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Revision Refund Policy

At, we strive to deliver high-quality, customized academic assistance that meets your requirements. To ensure clarity and prevent any future disputes regarding refunds or revisions, we strongly recommend that you carefully read and understand the points outlined below. By using our services, you agree to the terms described here.

No Cancellation After Work is Started

Once you have placed an order and our writers have started working on your assignment, you are no longer entitled to cancel the work. Our writers begin working promptly after receiving your order and the payment. Therefore, once the assignment is in progress, cancellation is not an option.

  • Technical Issues Disclaimer: In case you lose any data after the work is delivered, such as due to technical issues on your side, we cannot be held responsible for such cases. Our automatic email system will deliver the completed work to you, and we recommend you save it immediately upon receipt.

Refund Policy for Cancelled Orders

If you cancel your order after our writers have already started working on it, no refund will be issued. This is because once payment is received, we immediately transfer the writer's fee. Additionally, we always request the full details of your assignment in advance, ensuring there are no misunderstandings regarding your requirements.

  • Refund Queries: If you have any concerns or queries about your refund, please contact our customer support team via email. Our team will respond promptly to address your concerns.

Payment Terms and Conditions

We have clearly outlined our payment terms and conditions in the relevant section on our website. If you have any doubts regarding payments, please refer to that section.

  • Low Quality or Late Delivery: In the rare case that the delivered work does not meet our quality standards or is delivered late, we offer a revision free of charge to ensure the assignment meets your expectations.

Refund Eligibility

To be eligible for a refund, the following conditions must be met:

  • Time Frame for Refund Request: You must submit your refund request within 7 days of receiving the completed work. If you do not contact us within this time frame, your work will be considered accepted, and no refund will be issued.
  • Not Meeting Requirements: If you believe that your assignment does not meet the initial requirements, you must notify us in writing. Please provide the original email that contains the initial request you made when ordering the work. This helps us ensure that your concerns are addressed accurately and in a timely manner.

Revision Process

If you are not satisfied with the completed work and it does not meet your original requirements, we offer free revisions. However, please ensure the following:

  • Revision Requests: Thoroughly review the assignment before requesting any revisions. If you submit a revision request after the specified time frame, it will not be entertained.
  • Revisions Outside Initial Scope: If the revision request involves changes that go beyond the original instructions, additional charges will apply. These changes will be considered new revisions, and they will be subject to the availability of the writer. Only upon receiving full payment for these revisions will our writers begin working on the changes.

Final Considerations

At, our goal is to provide you with high-quality assignments that meet your academic requirements. We understand that there may be situations where revisions or refunds are necessary, and we are committed to addressing your concerns within the framework outlined above. However, we ask that you carefully review the completed work before making any requests to avoid any misunderstandings.

By using our services, you agree to these policies and the conditions related to refunds and revisions. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.